More businesses struggle with their rent payments

GOING UP: Michelle Murphy, owner of Roots Hair Salon LLC in Cranston, works on Talias Oakane of ­Cranston. Murphy says she may have to raise the rent she charges her stylists, who recently raised their prices due to the increased cost of products, because her monthly payment to rent the building space for the salon recently increased.
GOING UP: Michelle Murphy, owner of Roots Hair Salon LLC in Cranston, works on Talias Oakane of ­Cranston. Murphy says she may have to raise the rent she charges her stylists, who recently raised their prices due to the increased cost of products, because her monthly payment to rent the building space for the salon recently increased.

When Michelle Murphy renewed her lease recently for a 5,000-square-foot beauty salon she rents in Cranston, there was some bad news that came with it: her monthly payment to the landlord immediately swelled by $600. And that came on the heels of receiving a monthly electric bill that had jumped by about 12% to $2,000.

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