Tuesday, February 18, 2025


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Tag: performing arts

Taking a tour?

When on vacation, do you often visit attractions within Rhode Island? Not often: 80% Somewhat often: 20% Very often: 0% What attractions do you visit in Rhode Island?...
GOING GLOBAL: Judith Lynn Stillman, Rhode Island College’s artist-in-residence and music professor, traveled in 2016 to Greece to play music as a way to aid the Syrian refugee crisis. 

RIC’s Stillman uses music to inspire, unite the community

PBN 2023 Business Women Awards CREATIVE SERVICES INDUSTRY LEADER: Judith Lynn Stillman | Rhode Island College artist-in-residence and professor of music ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS INFUSE every...
TRINITY REPERTORY COMPANY'S annual "A Christmas Carol" production was impacted last November with a COVID-19 outbreak among cast and crew. It resulted in 16 performances having to be canceled. / COURTESY TRINITY REPERTORY COMPANY

After pandemic shutdown, curtains rising slowly at local theaters

PROVIDENCE – In theater, the old saying is “the show must go on.” But it’s easier said than done, depending on who you ask. Even though...

Liberman named Trinity Rep’s new executive director

PROVIDENCE – A Needham, Mass., native who has spent the last seven years leading a performing arts festival in New York will come to...
PROVIDENCE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER announced Tuesday its schedule for the 2021-22 Broadway season. / COURTESY PROVIDENCE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER

PPAC announces 2021-22 schedule; ‘Hamilton’ returning

PROVIDENCE – Providence Performing Arts Center’s curtain will rise again in October. Twelve performances for the 2021-22 Broadway season were announced Tuesday by Providence Performing...
SOUNDS OF SUMMER: Musicians Ashley Frith and Desmond Bratton perform for an outdoor audience during The Wilbury Theatre Group’s “Decameron, Providence” event during the summer of 2020.  / COURTESY ERIN X. SMITHERS

For Wilbury Theatre Group, the show must go on even in...

PBN Business Excellence Awards 2020 Excellence at a Nonprofit – Small Company: The Wilbury Theatre Group Since its humble beginnings 10 years ago, The ­Wilbury...
PROVIDENCE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER will not host live Broadway shows until the fall of 2021, CEO and President J.L. 'Lynn' Singleton announced Wednesday. / COURTESY PROVIDENCE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER

PPAC’s Singleton: Broadway shows will be presented starting in late fall...

PROVIDENCE – Providence Performing Arts Center CEO and President J.L. “Lynn” Singleton announced Wednesday that the live performances that make up the Taco Inc./The White...
TRINITY REPERTORY COMPANY announced Wednesday that it is shifting the start of its 2020-21 season from August 2020 to January 2021. / COURTESY TRINITY REPERTORY COMPANY

Trinity Rep delays new season until January 2021

PROVIDENCE – Two months after laying out its 2020-21 season, Trinity Repertory Company announced Wednesday morning that the performing arts group is shifting the...

Five Questions: J.L. “Lynn” Singleton

J.L. ‘Lynn’ Singleton | President, Providence Performing Arts Center 1. “Hamilton” at the Providence Performing Arts Center drew 73,000 people into Providence during the...
PETER N. BRAMANTE has been named the new executive director for Newport-based Island Moving Company. / COURTESY ISLAND MOVING COMPANY

Island Moving Company names Bramante new executive director

NEWPORT — Peter N. Bramante began his new role as executive director of the Island Moving Company Thursday as the third executive director in...
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