Sunday, September 15, 2024


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Tag: vaccinations

Returning to normal

Are you optimistic that some sense of normalcy will return by the end of 2021? Yes: 90% Unsure: 10% No: 0% When do you feel some sense of...

R.I. expands vaccinations to people 65 and older, although others report...

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island formally opened vaccinations for COVID-19 to all residents and workers aged 65 and older on Monday, and released several thousand...

UMass ‘vaccine corps’ needs to be replicated

The U.S. faces one of the most consequential public health campaigns in history right now: to vaccinate the population against COVID-19 and, especially, to...

State to ease bar restrictions, house-of-worship capacity limits

PROVIDENCE – A decline in the COVID-19 positivity rate has led the R.I. Department of Health to ease restrictions on restaurants and houses of...
RHODE ISLAND will receive $2.3 million in federal funding this year for immunization and vaccine programs. / BLOOMBERG NEWS FILE PHOTO MATT NAGER

RIDOH receives $2.3M in federal funds for child vaccinations

PROVIDENCE – The R.I. Department of Heath will receive $2.3 million in federal funds this year for immunization and vaccine programs, Sen. Jack Reed,...
THE CDC reports the current flu vaccine is more than 59 percent effective for children up to eight-years-old against the H3N2 flu virus, the most common strain this season. / COURTESY CDC

Vaccines still recommended as flu season wanes

PROVIDENCE — Flu vaccinations remain your best defense as Rhode Island’s reported influenza-like illnesses continue to wane. Flu-like illnesses comprised of 2.2 percent of all...
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