Vacant Woonsocket mills getting $22M makeover

NEW LIFE: Joseph Garlick, executive director of NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley, outside one of the downtown Woonsocket mill buildings that the organization is converting into live-work space for artists and businesses. / PBN PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM
NEW LIFE: Joseph Garlick, executive director of NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley, outside one of the downtown Woonsocket mill buildings that the organization is converting into live-work space for artists and businesses. / PBN PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM

The R.I. Commerce Corp. set up a streamlined review for historical rehabilitation projects this year, intended to reach more economic-development projects that needed $1 million or less in state credits. Multiple awards announced last month will allow several of these smaller conversion projects to move forward. One of the largest of them, ARTech Hub LLC

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