A tattoo parlor with a view

FRESH INK: Thanks to a push from a friend, Aly Rego followed her dream to become a tattoo artist by opening Secret Beach Tattoo in Middletown in December. / PBN PHOTO/KATE WHITNEY LUCEY
FRESH INK: Thanks to a push from a friend, Aly Rego followed her dream to become a tattoo artist by opening Secret Beach Tattoo in Middletown in December. / PBN PHOTO/KATE WHITNEY LUCEY

A small hot pepper tattooed on Aly Rego’s thigh serves as a constant reminder of the person who inspired her to become a tattoo artist. The tattoo pays homage to the ALS Pepper Challenge, a viral hot-pepper-eating challenge that swept the internet a few years ago as a way to raise money and awareness for

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