Mark Hellendrung | President, Narragansett Beer
1. How would you describe the ’Gansetts’ performance last year? We had another great year in 2017 with our 12th consecutive year of growth, led by our flagship lager, Del’s Shandy, and new It’s About Time IPA, brewed locally in Pawtucket. Most of our peers saw their flagships decline in 2017, so for Narragansett to grow with our lager was really unique.
2. Can you tell our readers a little bit about the recognition you recently received from the national Brewers Association? Narragansett was ranked the 34th-largest United States craft brewery out of over 6,000, which is pretty incredible to think that people drank over 25 million ’Gansetts in 2017. We’re pretty humbled by the fact that only eight of the top 50 grew faster than ’Gansett last year and we don’t take growth for granted.
3. How has the company sustained growth in recent years? People love our beers and embrace our story. We’re fortunate to have [more than] a century of amazing history that allows us to tell a story in ways completely different than the other brewers out there. Narragansett Beer has been a tradition for generations of Rhode Islanders. That gives the beer a soul and a local connection that separates us from the others. If you look at the websites and apps that beer drinkers use to rate beers, you’ll find that our lager and Del’s Shandy are the highest rated among those styles.
4. What is most challenging about the industry right now? Overall category growth has slowed for the second straight year, and competition is a dog fight right now, with so many breweries and great choices. Plus, Narragansett is a big-time underdog against the mega brewers who have millions to spend to try to thwart our growth. But I think great beers and compelling stories are making a big difference for us right now.
5. Any plans to expand your presence in Rhode Island? Why or why not? We are absolutely going to be expanding our presence in Rhode Island this year, with an announcement on the retail front by August. Brewing in Pawtucket last year was a big first step, and we’re looking to expand on that significantly in 2018. Rhode Island is our biggest market after New York City and certainly most important, so we’re constantly looking at new promotions, events and relationships here at home. For example, we’ll be expanding our Made on Honor Market at the brewery by hosting two this year.