R.I. makes changes to unemployment, TDI taxes

ADJUSTMENTS: Donna Murray, left, assistant director of labor market information at the R.I. Department of Labor and Training, goes over changes to Rhode Island’s unemployment and temporary disability insurance tax laws with Margaux Fontaine. / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI
ADJUSTMENTS: Donna Murray, left, assistant director of labor market information at the R.I. Department of Labor and Training, goes over changes to Rhode Island’s unemployment and temporary disability insurance tax laws with Margaux Fontaine. / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI

Many Rhode Island employers could see a reduction in the amount of unemployment insurance tax they pay, while employees are on the hook for a slight increase in temporary disability tax, thanks to state tax law changes that went into effect at the beginning of the year. That’s because the strengthened economy is putting less

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