Skilled data analytics a health insurance priority

BY THE NUMBERS: Mark Stewart, left, chief financial officer of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, sees Amar Gurivireddygari, the health insurer’s newly hired chief data and analytics officer, as a key to promoting more high-quality and cost-effective health care delivery. 
BY THE NUMBERS: Mark Stewart, left, chief financial officer of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, sees Amar Gurivireddygari, the health insurer’s newly hired chief data and analytics officer, as a key to promoting more high-quality and cost-effective health care delivery. 

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island recently welcomed Chief Data and Analytics Officer Amar Gurivireddygari to its team. Tasked with making the health care insurer’s technology better match its strategy, the role is not a new one at Blue Cross. It is, however, an evolving one, as the industry moves away from a

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