Colin P. Kane | Peregrine Group LLC founding principal
Since starting my career as a 21-year old U.S. Navy officer, any success is a result of selfless partners, team members, employees and family. During the Great Recession, our young company experienced the prospect of insolvency due to an overnight shift in real estate values. I had no experience in the devastation wrought by a global lack of liquidity and didn’t have a full night’s sleep for 24 months.
Remarkably, our vendors, lenders, customers and investors kept us afloat by providing short-term credit and accelerated payments, and the more experienced of them provided invaluable moral support and advice. As a result, Peregrine emerged in 2012 as a stronger and far more capable organization with immutable bonds built with the partners that saved us.
For some industries, the consequences of the pandemic mirror the challenges of 2007-2011. My advice for business leaders facing today’s extraordinary headwinds is:
Communicate with creditors. They will be far more sympathetic when there is open and frequent communication about the company’s circumstances.
Share the truth with employees. Your team is your most valuable resource and will surprise you with their willingness to sacrifice.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Entrepreneurs tend to believe they know all the answers, or are embarrassed to admit weakness.
Talk to your family. Sharing your angst will help you sleep better.
Never forget those who helped. When the storm has passed, reward the loyalty of the vendors and customers who threw you a life ring.
Help the next time. Be the first to help others in the next gale!