Friday, April 19, 2024


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Tag: Advice

Cinthia Beccacece Satornino

Dealing with ‘dark personality traits’ at work

Have you ever suffered through tales of greatness from a self-absorbed “friend” who reminds you of Michael Scott from “The Office” – and not...

Staving off summer learning loss

WORRIED YOUR KIDS will forget what they learned in school over the summer? Scholars have been studying the problem for over a century. When William...

Performance reviews in post-COVID era

Few office workers seem to like performance reviews, and many seem to outright hate – or fear – them. A 2015 survey of Fortune 1000...

Think before you quit your job

Record numbers of Americans have quit their jobs in recent months. Millions more may be preparing to follow them to the exits. One survey...
Terri Monjar

ESG should be focal point for all businesses

Increased awareness around climate change, racial and social equity issues and COVID-19 has changed the way that many companies in Rhode Island and elsewhere...

Need help? Get an expert!

When the photocopies began to look faint, the office manager called in a local repair service. The friendly technician inspected the equipment and informed...
Donald Nokes

The path back to the office

As our leadership team planned for and rolled out our back-to-work initiative for more than 30 employees at NetCenergy LLC, we recognized we liked...

The other half of the sales story

We all know what we expect from customers. We want them to give us their attention, give us a fair hearing, be open to...

Tips to avoid unnecessary trouble

Most of us are talented at excusing personal habits as trivial idiosyncrasies or minor infractions. Yet, they can come together to form a clear...

Sales tips for career success

“I’m starving, and it’s Dave’s fault,” a manager complained to his assistant. “What did Dave do now?” the assistant asked. “I asked him to pick up...
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