Tag: manufacturing wages
Lardaro: R.I.’s economic momentum showed signs of fading in November
PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island’s economic momentum showed signs of fading in November, University of Rhode Island economist and professor Leonard Lardaro said Wednesday in...
Lardaro: R.I.’s economy posts strong performance in June
PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island’s economy was strong in June and has moved out of “first gear,” University of Rhode Island economist and professor Leonard...
Lardaro: R.I.’s economy growing again
PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island’s growing economy began its breakout in February after being stuck in first gear most of last year, University of Rhode...
R.I. manufacturing wages drop month over month in December
PROVIDENCE – Wages for manufacturing production workers dropped 21 cents to $25.34 per hour between November and December, according to the R.I. Department of Labor and...