Tag: Pension
The next chapter
Are you or any of your employees slated to retire within the next five years?
Yes: 83%
No: 17%
Unsure: 0%
How many employees are enrolled in a...
Providence officials drumming up support for pension bond plan
PROVIDENCE - The clock is ticking down on the General Assembly’s 2021 legislative session, but city officials are still trying to get lawmakers' support...
Elorza unveils pension reform plan through $700M bond
PROVIDENCE – The city of Providence is asking the state to let it borrow up to $704 million to aid its beleaguered pension fund,...
Providence City Council approves police union contract with wage hikes, increased...
PROVIDENCE – The beleaguered Providence pension fund will get a $31 million boost under the new contract between the city and the Fraternal Order...
R.I. pension system again recognized for transparency
PROVIDENCE – For the third year in a row, Rhode Island's pension system has earned a certificate of achievement for transparency in financial reporting...
Five Questions With: John Goncalves, Providence city councilman
1. How has your professional background prepared you for the new role as councilman representing Ward 1 in Providence, which includes Fox Point? First,...
Providence could be hit with ‘ballooning pension payments’ after court ruling
PROVIDENCE – Amid the financial hardships posed by COVID-19, the city has been hit with a new expense: up to seven years of cost-of-living...
Hackers targeting municipalities, states
A recent cybertheft of $4.2 million from the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System and resulting FBI probe has the attention of Rhode Island and...
Pawtucket reaches pension settlement with public-safety retirees
PAWTUCKET – A settlement has been reached between the city and the Pawtucket Public Safety Retirees Association, which filed a class action lawsuit in...
City again eyes water-system lease
As the saying goes, if at first you don’t succeed – try, try again. That’s what Providence Mayor Jorge O. Elorza is doing with...