Bariatric surgery benefits both patients and hospitals

THE NEW PLACE: Dr. Jeanine Giovanni, left, and Dr. Lindsay Tse, are two bariatric surgeons based out of the Center for Surgical Weight Loss at the Care New England office in South Kingstown that opened in September. / PBN PHOTO/
THE NEW PLACE: Dr. Jeanine Giovanni, left, and Dr. Lindsay Tse, are two bariatric surgeons based out of the Center for Surgical Weight Loss at the Care New England office in South Kingstown that opened in September. / PBN PHOTO/

Bariatric surgery options are expanding in Rhode Island, but practitioners say that many more people could benefit from the weight-reduction procedures than actually seek them out. While as many as 25% of Rhode Islanders are considered obese, a tiny portion of that population turns to a surgical option for weight reduction. Stigma associated with the

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