Ryan Davis

PBN 40 UNDER FORTY 2020 AWARD WINNER Ryan Davis, 38 | Associate vice president for institutional equity and diversity, Brown University

What is the best advice you have ever received? Put your family at the center of everything you do, and everything else will fall into place.

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What advice would you give your 22-year-old self? Reframe your understanding of “failure” to “detours” that are inevitable parts of your longer journey toward success.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Working toward fulfilling the same mission: Helping organizations develop and achieve their diversity, equity and inclusion goals.

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What is your greatest attribute that you bring to your job? Leadership and mental agility.

What is your favorite Rhode Island food or drink? Everything at Cassarino’s is delicious.

Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics or Bruins? Brown University athletic programs.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn? LinkedIn.

Fox or MSNBC? National Public Radio.

The prop: Ryan Davis holds a MacBook Pro with a picture of his family: his wife, Christina; daughter, Madison; and son, Carter. The advice Davis received during his life was to put his family “at the center of everything that you do and everything else will fall into place.”