Ever wonder what happens to grain after it’s used to make beer?
It’s called “spent grain” and a group of current and former Johnson & Wales University students last year started a business called OurGrain dedicated to finding new ways to reuse it. In February, the startup started selling baked goods, including scones and pretzels. It’s operating out of the Hope & Main food incubator in Warren.
The idea started about a year ago when the startup’s seven co-founders used it to win a competition in Puerto Rico.
“We competed, and we won. So, we decided, ‘Let’s turn it into a business,’ ” said Natasha B. Daniels, a co-founder.
The idea isn’t novel. But current methods to reuse the spent grain are inefficient and time-consuming.
“There are some barriers because it’s so time intensive,” she said. “We’re creating a sustainable way to save time and energy and to give the brewer a way to monetize their waste.”
The plan is to start selling products at farmers markets and to grow a following.
“I think a lot of people will love it,” Daniels said.