Changes in R.I. hospitality scene in the new year

UP THE RANKS: Harrison Elkhay, middle, the new president of the Chow Fun Food Group, discusses menu specialties at 10 Prime Steak & Sushi with Executive Chef Brittany Muggle, left, and Dining Out columnist Bruce Newbury. / COURTESY CHOW FUN FOOD GROUP
UP THE RANKS: Harrison Elkhay, middle, the new president of the Chow Fun Food Group, discusses menu specialties at 10 Prime Steak & Sushi with Executive Chef Brittany Muggle, left, and Dining Out columnist Bruce Newbury. / COURTESY CHOW FUN FOOD GROUP

As we pass into a new year, there are still some leftover issues to resolve. Evidently, the pandemic is not finished with us, although we are long since done with it. The restaurants and bars in Rhode Island made a comeback in 2021. Upon closer examination, they never had fallen very far. If the industry

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