Dining Out: A time of gratitude for the guests

A FRESH TAKE: PB Bistro & Bar in East Greenwich is offering family-sized vegan and vegetarian dishes for the holidays. Patti Burton, far left, and Dan Hatch, far right, opened the plant-based eatery in the spring. With them are sous chef O’Laro Waite, second from the left, and executive chef Mike Fleury.  / COURTESY CAITLIN COSTA
A FRESH TAKE: PB Bistro & Bar in East Greenwich is offering family-sized vegan and vegetarian dishes for the holidays. Patti Burton, far left, and Dan Hatch, far right, opened the plant-based eatery in the spring. With them are sous chef O’Laro Waite, second from the left, and executive chef Mike Fleury. / COURTESY CAITLIN COSTA

In other times, this space might be holding forth about authentic pizza or barbecue. This time of the year, the Feast of the Seven Fishes would ordinarily make the food headlines. These, of course, are not other times. This is 2020, or at least what remains of it. Restaurants in the state have been thrust

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