Justine Hastings | Founder and director, Research Improving People’s Lives
1. What is Research Improving People’s Lives and why did you start it? Research Improving People’s Lives is a nonprofit tech-for-social-impact organization that works with governments to help them use data, science and technology to improve policy and lives. We provide powerful, scientific-grade insights directly to policymakers so that they can positively impact lives, solve pressing social challenges, and build their own capacity to innovate and measure success going forward.
2. RIPL in 2019 launched a pilot program with the state of Rhode Island to integrate data analytics technology and training across state government. What are some of the major accomplishments of that program to date? Rhode Island government and community leaders have had many tremendous accomplishments during this challenging year. Among these accomplishments was the development and launch of the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance app to meet the surge of new unemployment benefits claims brought on by the COVID-19 crisis.
3. What have been the biggest challenges of the pilot program thus far? One challenge is prioritization. Rhode Island state and community leaders are engaged and creative partners, eager to develop partnerships and innovative policies to measurably improve people’s lives. We were glad to be in a position to help, given the historic challenges of the pandemic. Those challenges continue, as does our collaboration and work to innovate with our state and community partners for Rhode Islanders in need.
4. How has integration of data analytics for Rhode Island proven useful during the pandemic? The state’s Back to Work Rhode Island program is a great example. This program is helping people recover from the economic recession by using “Skipper,” an AI [artificial intelligence] and … [machine-learning-powered] chatbot that helps match people with jobs they can be successful in, identifying effective reskilling they may want to invest in and connecting them with resources to support their career.
5. Why is data analytics important for state government, and what long-term impact can it have on how the state operates and serves its constituents? Using data, science and technology gives the government the tools to know what works, what doesn’t, and invest accordingly. Government can understand and measure unmet needs, and test and launch innovative policies [that] measurably meet those needs.
Nancy Lavin is a PBN staff writer. Contact her at Lavin@PBN.com.