Panel: ARPA funds can help mend health safety net

WORKING TOGETHER: Dr. Christopher Ottiano, middle, medical director of Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island, explains that health care stakeholders should join forces to improve the system. Panelists participating in the PBN Health Care Summit on April 6 included Dr. Amy Nunn, left, executive director of the Rhode Island Public Health Institute, and Dr. Robert MacArthur, right, Commonwealth Care Allicance chief medical officer.  / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI
WORKING TOGETHER: Dr. Christopher Ottiano, middle, medical director of Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island, explains that health care stakeholders should join forces to improve the system. Panelists participating in the PBN Health Care Summit on April 6 included Dr. Amy Nunn, left, executive director of the Rhode Island Public Health Institute, and Dr. Robert MacArthur, right, Commonwealth Care Alliance chief medical officer. / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI

Lindsay Lang sees trouble coming in maintaining health insurance for some Rhode Islanders, and she wants state lawmakers to act before it’s too late. Lang, the director of the state-run health insurance marketplace HealthSource RI, is calling on legislators to enact a policy that would transition holders of Medicaid policies they’re temporarily entitled to during

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