Derek Dubois

PBN 40 UNDER FORTY 2020 AWARD WINNER Derek Dubois, 34 | Director of retail finance, CVS Health Corp.

How has COVID-19 impacted your work-life balance? My wife and I transitioned to remote work and my son’s day care shut down. Navigating work and early-child development is a challenge, but it is doable with the right support systems. Regarding my role as an adjunct professor, when classes transitioned to distance learning, economic disparity was brought into sharp relief. Throughout, I’ve attempted to lead with empathy, listen and learn from these experiences.

What advice would you give your 22-year-old self? Pay more attention to the world around you by getting involved in politics and fighting for the things in which you believe.

What is your greatest attribute that you bring to your job? Curiosity. It drives a deeper understanding of the business, permitting more impact through an enterprise mindset.

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What is your favorite Rhode Island food or drink? Dynamites.

Fox or MSNBC? National Public Radio.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn? Real human interaction.

The prop: A typewriter signifies that the written word is how Derek Dubois best expresses himself.