Elorza: ‘We are a sanctuary city’

IMMIGRATION RIGHTS has become a hot-button issue in Providence Mayor Jorge O. Elorza’s reelection campaign. Elorza is championing a city lawsuit that challenges the federal government’s ability to withhold grant money to municipalities that do not follow Trump administration initiatives designed to ferret out undocumented immigrants. / PBN file photo/Rupert Whiteley
IMMIGRATION RIGHTS has become a hot-button issue in Providence Mayor Jorge O. Elorza’s reelection campaign. Elorza is championing a city lawsuit that challenges the federal government’s ability to withhold grant money to municipalities that do not follow Trump administration initiatives designed to ferret out undocumented immigrants. / PBN file photo/Rupert Whiteley

This fall’s elections should say a lot about how Rhode Islanders feel about immigration rights. It’s been a hot-button issue for many voters and Providence is in the thick of it. Mayor Jorge O. Elorza, the son of Guatemalan immigrants who settled in Providence, has often pushed back against the Trump administration’s policies to fully

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