Josh Short

2021 40 Under Forty Awards
Josh Short | 36 | Artistic Director, The Wilbury Theatre Group

How do you think COVID-19 will change your industry going forward? The performing arts industry took an enormous hit when COVID-19 stopped us in our tracks last year, but as time went on there were bright spots. Artists and organizations found ways to adapt and even grow throughout the pandemic, and many were finally able to engage in some self-reflection about the inequities in our industry. My hope is that the spirit of innovation that propelled us these few months continues, and that someday we look back on COVID-19 as a turning point that pushed our industry to be better for our artists and the audiences we serve.

What is the best advice you have ever received? Let the work speak for itself.

What moment changed your life more than any other? The birth of my first child, my daughter Olivia.

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What is your greatest attribute that you bring to your job? The tenacity to continue pursuing a goal.


What does winning this award mean to you? It’s a beautiful recognition of the work that a lot of artists, board members, donors and supporters have put into making the Wilbury Group grow into its own over the years.

What is your favorite song? “Thunder Road” by Bruce Springsteen.

THE PROP: Josh Short holds a photo of his family, who he enjoys spending time with when he’s not overseeing productions at The Wilbury Theatre Group.