Sunday, December 8, 2024


Home Tags Leonid Bershidsky

Tag: Leonid Bershidsky

Age discrimination is bad for bottom line

Of all the kinds of employment discrimination, hiring younger workers in preference to older ones earns the least public condemnation. That’s a growing problem,...

U.S. is a meritocracy but it’s still not fair

Much of the current debate about inherited wealth in a number of Western countries is informed by the notion that most of today’s top...

Gig workers are the modern proletariat

Karl Marx defined the proletariat as laborers “unencumbered by any means of production” who were increasingly impoverished by the rise of machines. In that...

Think small, specific to build trust in tech

The story about a $400 internet-connected juicer that turned out to be superfluous since a human could simply squeeze juice from its producer’s proprietary...
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