Tag: Linn F. Freedman
Ready for the hackers? Many companies are woefully unprepared
By the time the average data breach is detected by an organization, hackers have already been in the system for 256 days on average...
‘Thinking like a hacker,’ ROI benefits highlighted at PBN Cybersecurity Summit
PROVIDENCE – In the past five years, the U.S. has logged more than 2.6 million cybersecurity-related complaints, costing a total of $18.8 million in...
Summit: Companies at a loss to handle ransom threats
International cybercrime is rising dramatically, driven by sophisticated operatives holed up in places such as Russia and North Korea who use advanced technology and...
Cyberliability insurance myths, realities focus of upcoming workshop
PROVIDENCE – The myths and realities of cyberliability insurance will be discussed at a July 31 workshop as part of Tech Collective’s Cyber Security...