Saturday, September 14, 2024


Home Tags PTSD


DOING HIS DUTY: Bill Burton, extruder team lead and U.S. Army veteran, operates an extrusion line on the Cooley manufacturing floor using a recently installed proprietary touch-screen technology. / COURTESY COOLEY GROUP

Pandemic Diary: Remedy for stress? Optimism

(Editor’s note: This is the 13th installment in a series on how Cooley Group is managing the COVID-19 pandemic, from the perspective of its...

Hospital workers getting own brand of aid

Music performed by the group Healing Through ­Harmony, made up of students from the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, plays softly in...
DR. MASCHA van 't Wout-Frank, left, and Dr. Noah S. Philip at the VA Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology located at the Providence VA Medical Center in Providence. The pair are leading a team of physicians and scientists from CFNN and Brown University investigating whether a small amount of electricity can improve post traumatic stress symptoms and improve quality of life when used to augment virtual reality therapy. / COURTESY PROVIDENCE VA MEDICAL CENTER/KIMBERLY DIDONATO

First study of hybrid low-current stimulation virtual reality PTSD treatment seeks...

PROVIDENCE — Scientists and physicians at the Providence VA Medical Center and Brown University are investigating whether small amounts of electricity applied to the...
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