Thrive to use $70K Rhode Island Foundation grant for housing program

WARWICK – A $70,000 grant awarded to Thrive Behavioral Health will support its Housing First RI program, the nonprofit says.

The money was awarded by the Rhode Island Foundation.

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“This funding establishes equity for our clients who have been formerly homeless by removing barriers to entry, helping them acclimate to tenancy and assists them in their goal of having stable and secure housing,” said Tami Ringeling, Thrive director of housing and homeless services.

Program participants, many of whom are unemployed or have physical or mental health needs, receive help with security deposits, rent and other costs associated with finding housing and moving.

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Psychiatric evaluations, drug rehabilitation and mental health services are also available as part of the program, which serves more than 250 people.

“By providing this funding to support the individuals in our Housing First RI program, Rhode Island Foundation demonstrates our shared dedication to improving the lives of some of our most needy citizens,” said Dan Kubas-Meyer, Thrive CEO and president.

Elizabeth Graham is a PBN contributing writer.