Tiffany Bumgardner-Scheffler

PBN 40 UNDER FORTY 2020 AWARD WINNER Tiffany Bumgardner-Scheffler, 37 | Director of field service and chief operating officer, Narragansett Council Boy Scouts of America

How has COVID-19 impacted your work-life balance? Balancing remote working, which has me busier than ever, and a new baby at home has its challenges. [It] means that my work lasts all day long around diaper changes and feedings. I am so glad to have this time at home; I’m getting to experience so many firsts with my daughter and that makes it all worth it.

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What is the best advice you have ever received? Don’t get so caught up making a living that you forget to enjoy your life.

Where do you see yourself in five years? I hope to be running my own council and continuing to help bring this great program to all youths.

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What is your greatest attribute that you bring to your job? A fresh perspective.

What is your favorite Rhode Island food or drink? I’d have to say it’s a tie between Alley Cat Friskie Fries or any pretzel from Malted Barley.

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The prop: Tiffany Bumgardner-Scheffler holds a paddle and has a pair of boots, signifying her day-to-day work in managing operations at the Narragansett Council Boy Scouts of America.