Report finds that America is catching and eating a little less fish 

MARINE PATROL officers, left, arrive for a routine inspection aboard scallop fisherman Donald Ricker's boat off Harpswell, Maine. The catch at U.S. ports in the 50 states fell 2.6% to 8.4 billion pounds in 2022, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's "Fisheries of the United States" report, which the agency released this month.  /ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO/ ROBERT F. BUKATY

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) – The volume and value of America’s commercial fishing industry both fell according to newly released federal figures, though members of the industry said the decline was to be expected following a recent spike in supply.  The catch at U.S. ports in the 50 states fell 2.6% to 8.4 billion pounds in 2022, according

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